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  1. justpassingthru

    justpassingthru No Rest For The Wicked Banned!

    Jun 11, 2011
    Detroit may well have it's share of disparity in certain area's but to pidgeon hole it as a shithole is somewhat extreme and there are portions of Detroit that will rival any other large metropolitan area's in other parts of the US and Canada for that matter . I have always had a certain fondness for the greater Detroit area and it's citizens as well .

    Granted .................. having "crack dealer's" as a growth industry does not bode well for tourism ads , lol but the same could be said for many other locals in North America , and the UK is not immune to this trend by any stretch of the imagination .
  2. sweetnsaucyslut1986

    sweetnsaucyslut1986 Sex Lover

    Jul 13, 2011
    Why thank you ;)

    We're nice if you're not an asshole, lol.

  3. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Deregulation of the auto industry? What do you mean by that?
  4. sweetnsaucyslut1986

    sweetnsaucyslut1986 Sex Lover

    Jul 13, 2011
    Just that it was made all the easier for businesses to skip overseas and screw everybody. BUT at the same time the unions played their own part in everything that happened.

    I guess my point is you can't blame EVERYTHING on one particular group. Detroit's decline was caused by a mix of things over decades.
  5. blacklabeldave

    blacklabeldave Porn Star

    Jan 21, 2007
    Yeah I drive a vette from the mansion every time I go to Detroit to see a Pistons game!
  6. sweetnsaucyslut1986

    sweetnsaucyslut1986 Sex Lover

    Jul 13, 2011
  7. blacklabeldave

    blacklabeldave Porn Star

    Jan 21, 2007
    Funny! Welcome aboard fellow Detroiter!!
  8. sweetnsaucyslut1986

    sweetnsaucyslut1986 Sex Lover

    Jul 13, 2011
    Thanks babe :kiss:
  9. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Many of the "imported" cars sold in the US are built in Canada.
  10. sweetnsaucyslut1986

    sweetnsaucyslut1986 Sex Lover

    Jul 13, 2011
    However you want to tooth and nail it, auto jobs left Detroit, the economy dropped. Just like it did in the early 80's. Just like it did many times before that. This city, and the entire state for that matter, has a cyclical economy like no other. But we always bounce back. It just takes time.

    So people can hate all they want, I'm in it for the long haul with Detroit. This is where I grew up, this is where I went to college, this is where I'm going to start my family. Nothing will change that.

    If people want to hate on this city, fine by me. You'd just be a waste of space sitting around talking about how much you hate Detroit anyways.
  11. CFH420

    CFH420 Porn Star

    Aug 5, 2010
    Never said I hated it, I said look at the product of Detroit. It is a shit hole, due to the people living there making shitty decisions. If you people were smart, this would have never happened.

    But there is no hope for you people, you think you know it all. Enjoy your jobloss and infestation, maybe you'll understand in the future.

    And yes I was in Detroit after I saw a Pistons game, I stayed in a hotel there, because the next morning we went to Woodward ave, which was actually pretty cool.
  12. sweetnsaucyslut1986

    sweetnsaucyslut1986 Sex Lover

    Jul 13, 2011
    "You people"? You know what, dickhead. People like you are bound to die miserable and alone because nobody wants to put up with somebody so conceited and completely fucking stupid at the same time.

    I have lived here all my life, I hold a steady job, help take care of my family, and spend all kinds of time volunteering to help better the city. "If you people were smart, this would have never happened."? Oh really. So you are of the belief that one generation is responsible in it's entirety for the last, and that one group making bad decisions means the whole populous of a place has made bad decisions and doesn't care to change things? I think you are a selfish prick and have never lived in a community with as much heart or hardship as Detroit.

    Things aren't perfect here. But tell me, asshole... WHERE in this country is there a place with no crime, no drug abuse, and no rough neighborhoods? Hmm? Name one fucking city. Every place has it's problems. So step off of Detroit and go choke on your own dick.
  13. sweetnsaucyslut1986

    sweetnsaucyslut1986 Sex Lover

    Jul 13, 2011
    Oh, and the PRODUCT of Detroit?

    The product of a city that never gives up?

    Okay, I will look at that.

    I see Wayne State University, one of the top research universities in the country and one of the safest college campuses in the state, RIGHT in the heart of Detroit. I see CCS, one of the top art schools in the Midwest if not the entire country.

    I see the Fox Theater, the Fillmore, and the Detroit Opera House.

    I see Comerica Park. I see Joe Louis Arena.

    I see the Detroit Institute of Arts and the Science Center.

    I see Karmanos Cancer Institute.

    I see Corktown, a community that has gone to extensive lengths to better itself. I see Metro Detroit, comprised of a people tough as nails that can begin again, and again, and again, and never lose heart. I see community gardens and peaceful neighborhoods. I see kids riding down the sidewalk on their bikes. I see neighbors taking care of each other.

    I see a city that takes so much flack from so many people who love to speak like they know us and all we have been through, when really they know NOTHING.

    THAT is the product of Detroit. That is the identity of this city. Unbeloved, unappreciated and unbelievably determined.

    You don't know this city. Not one little bit.
  14. stilldontknow

    stilldontknow Porn Star

    Mar 18, 2010
    You tell him lass!
  15. blacklabeldave

    blacklabeldave Porn Star

    Jan 21, 2007
    Wow! Sounds like a "Pure Michigan" ad! Lol
  16. sweetnsaucyslut1986

    sweetnsaucyslut1986 Sex Lover

    Jul 13, 2011
    Heh I find myself defending Detroit a lot ;) buncha fuckin haters.
  17. naughtygirl666

    naughtygirl666 The beautiful game's Red temptress

    Jul 26, 2009
    You do realise that Scotland is in the UK don't you? So failing to see how SDK could be responsible for destroying your country?
  18. CeeJay1

    CeeJay1 Porno Junky

    Jun 7, 2010
    Uh, YEAH!
    With an 80% area approval rating in Alaska when she was tapped for VP candidate she was doing something right wouldn't ya say?

    Ask the Alaskan's how they enjoy, I believe a $1,500 rebate check now every year thanks to her taking on the big oil co.s for the people of her state and getting that for them. You all can knock that girl all you want, Obozo couldn't hold a candle to her if she was Pres. . Obama, and the liberal progressives have produced nothing but failure and despair with their policies overall.
  19. ELaken-Palmer

    ELaken-Palmer Porn Star Suspended!

    Mar 2, 2010
    It will, once again, be a beautiful city....
  20. Mr.K Skins

    Mr.K Skins Sex Machine

    Jan 22, 2011
    Actually, Alaskans have been getting those oil rebate checks since the 80's. Sarah Palin only increased it by $1200 and she did it by raising taxes on oil companies. So, it's great for Palin to tax the biggest corporations in her state at 75% but when Obama wants to close tax loopholes allowing major corporations to avoid paying billions, he's killing jobs and destroying our country?